Artificial Intelligence Engineering

Artificial Intelligence Engineering involves synthesizing systems engineering principles, software engineering, computer science and business administrative centered design to create intelligent systems that can complete tasks or reach goals.

Artificial intelligence engineering addresses (large volumes of) data, system architectures and organizational processes to create smart machines, resulting in disruptive technologies.

This site addresses three main lines of discourse, where applicable further subdivided in three levels.

Lines of Discourse:

Dutch Cows on Dope (Dutch only)

Emotion Money Can Buy – AI and The Arts

Thesis 6.5 of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Virtual Organization and Distributed Problem Solving in Heterarchical Network Organizations






Our scripts are burning fast on heavy fuel. No time to loose, what must we do?

Cameras are constantly rolling everywhere. What shall we do, we can’t undo?

Our guns are heavily loaded. Cruel gifted fools, what will we do?


You know that little clock, the one on all your devices, the ones that are always blinking twelve noon ’cause you never figured out how to get in there and change it?

So it’s always the same time, just the way it came into your life. Good morning. Good night. Same time tomorrow. We’re in record.

Speak my language.


1Free Functors on Agnes Nobel and Laurie Anderson.